
A Cause Marketing Partnership - Part I

Cause Marketing has become a great way for NonProfit Organizations to generate the funds they need. 

 Learn how it can benefit your organization in this 3 part series.

Congratulations!  By getting to this page you are one step closer to setting up a cause marketing partnership and you are now on the right track to get your non-profit group the funds it needs.

Over the next few pages you will be reading information explaining:
  • What Cause Marketing is...
  • The benefits of this particular partnership...
  • How to get started and what to expect once you sign up... 
Let's get started...
Cause Marketing is defined as a type of marketing involving the cooperative efforts of a "for profit" business and a non-profit organization for mutual benefit.
The goal of Cause Marketing is "Do Well by Doing Good".  In other words create a win-win-win situation for non-profits, their supporters, and the corporations that supply the products.
Cause Marketing began over 30 years ago and some of the better known partnerships are:
  • American Express and the Statue of Liberty Restoration
  • Yoplait and Komen's Search for the Cure
  • Cheerios and the American Heart Association
While Cause Marketing has been around for a long time, it has been used mostly on a national level and has not been an option for the small, local non-profits that are working on a local level. 
Things have now changed for the better and the Shaklee Corporation, the #1 nutritional company in the U.S., is giving all non-profit groups the opportunity to have their own cause marketing partnership.
But why would you want to start something new like Cause Marketing?

Take a look at these statistics:
  • 89% of Americans (aged 13 to 25) would switch from one brand to another brand of a comparable product if the latter brand was associated with "good cause"
  • Consumers want to feel a connection to an issue and a nonprofit while fulfilling their personal needs
    • 77 percent say practical incentives for involvement, such as saving money or time, are important
    • 65% find emotional incentives for involvement, such as it making them feel good or alleviating shopping guilt is important
  • Consumers are paying more attention to cause messages, and as a result, are more likely to purchase.
  • Almost 80 percent (78%) of new media users (ie the internet) interact with companies or brands via new media sites and tools (ie websites)
  • 38% of consumers have purchased a product associated with a cause during the past 12 months
  • Many Americans stated they were more likely to lend support and advocate for a charity upon learning about its corporate partnerships
    • 36 - 45% would be more likely to donate money if they knew about the partnership
  • Nearly 9 out of 10 Americans said it was important for business and non-profits to cooperate in order to solve pressing social and environmental issues.
  • So you can see how many people are ready to give, they just need an easy way to give that lets them feel good about themselves while still allowing them to get the products they need for their everyday lives.
Part II - shows how Shaklee and its large product selection fulfills all the requirements for a highly effective cause marketing partnership.
Click Here to Read Part II or feel free to do some more research, ask me a question, or get signed up for your own Cause Marketing partnership.

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Michael Tomberlin
Shaklee Independent Distributor


Part I: A Cause Markting Partnership

Part II: A Cause Marketing Solution

Part III: Get Started Now

A Cause Marketing Video - All the info with a lot less reading :-)

email Michael Tomberln


Order Your Shaklee Products Now!

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