

A powerful tool for your nutritional needs


Do we need a multi-vitamin? Unless you can eat 6000 to 7000 calories a day, you probably will not get all the nutrients your body needs. And even with that caloric level, there is no guarantee you are getting all the vitamin E, C, Omega threes, calcium, or B complex, let alone all the trace minerals you need.

Multivitamins help bridge the nutritional gaps found in most people's diets. According to an article published in 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Harvard researchers David H. Fletcher, M.D., MSC and Kathleen M. Fairfield, M.D., reported the following: "Most people do not consume an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone. It appears prudent for all adults to take vitamin supplements."

So what should we do? The answer is take a balanced multi vitamin. Be careful and do some research before hand or you will be downing things like petroleum. I have not read lately that our cells make better cells with petroleum based products.

A good product will not have all the calcium the body needs in a daily dosage of the multivitamin. Calcium can be hard for the body to use, and if it is the required amount is in one tablet, you can pretty much be guaranteed the tablet is a “horse” pill and is very hard, making it difficult for the body to absorb.

Once you find a multi that has the clinical research behind it, your will see that it has 100% biotin, as well as 100% of the other seven of the b-vitamins. There should not be artificial colors, as once again, our bodies cells don’t need artificial colors. Trace minerals such as chromium, boron,, selenium, manganese and a few others should be present. The label should actually say it has been clinically tested and it has been proven the body can absorb the multivitamin.

Don’t be pulled in by outlandish claims or slick advertising. Look for legitimate science and if there is none, look for a better product.

Remember too that iron is the number one mineral deficiency for some groups but excess iron is not needed by others. Generally, women, children and adolescents need iron. Most men, and women past menopause, do not need iron. A good company gives one a choice.

tI comes down to taking responsibility for your health, don’t give it away to someone else.

Here are some things to look for when you are deciding which multivitamin is best for you.

Six Tests for Multi-Vitamins/Minerals:
  • There are 19 nutrients on the RDA--are there at least 19 in your vitamin? You are trying to replace one that might be missing in your diet, so all should be there.
  • B-Complex vitamins should be in balance. Example: all 50% or all 100% (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folate, B12, Biotin, Pantothenic acid). There is no nutritional reason for them to be out of balance. Cost is the issue.
  • Folic Acid and Biotin are expensive. (Just compare their prices at a health food store & you'll see!) Make sure they are not low or left out.
  • Zinc and Copper. RDA recommends 15 mg Zinc and 2 mg Copper.
  • Calcium, Magnesium & Phosphorous should be in it. They are difficult to put in tablet form and may be left out.
  • In order for nutrients to be absorbed into your system, uncoated tablets must disintegrate within 30 min, and coated tablets in one hour. You can test them in a glass of water.

Other things to check on:
  • Though the vitamin substances may be organically grown, has it been tested for the 400 pesticides?
  • Are clinical studies done for each of the company's product formulas prior to marketing (and do they publish the study results/make them available)?
  • Is the company investing in research & maintaining the integrity of their own vitamins/formulas?
  • Does the supplement contain any of the "Dirty Dozen" bad ingredients (as reported in May 2004 Consumer Reports)?
  • Do you know the integrity of the Company? Vitamins/Supplements are not regulated by the FDA, many manufacturers omit information on their vitamin labels, and some include information that is not a whole truth.
  • Does the company do double-blind studies on the effects of their products (and make the results available). Double-blind is scientifically important, other wise the placebo effect can be strong with those who take vitamins and/or are searching for their
  • "cure".
  • Do you see a difference in your own personal health by taking the supplement, and if not is there a money back guarantee? 

Click here to see a multivitamin that meets all the above criteria.

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