
Warning - Many Common Household Products are TOXIC!

We have been hearing a lot about toxic chemicals; toxins in the home, the work place, the environment, and our food. So what is it we want to be on the alert for concerning toxic chemicals?

Unfortunately, many people think that if something is on the “shelf”, it is safe to use. After all the government would not allow a manufacturing company to harm us by marketing a shampoo that has harmful chemicals or toxins in it or a baby lotion that causes a rash, or a toothpaste that if swallowed poisoning an individual.

Would they?

We must realize the “government” has no control over personal care products. It has no control over the household cleaners, or the toxins that are used in the furniture or anything we use on a daily basis. Until someone dies, or someone “sues” a company, nothing can really be done.

This is where we as an individual come into the picture. (After all, who IS the government?) WE must take responsibility for what we use, what we eat, what we drink, what we wear, etc, etc. Pretty soon it gets to be quite a job to find these products. But, because we are becoming more aware of what we really want to use and the food we really want to put into our bodies, more and more companies are also becoming aware of the consumer market.

I personally use products from a credible company that was created “green” before it was a “fad”.

Because I now am more aware of what other companies do and don't do, it is scary to use the other company's products.

Many people have used certain cleaning products such as “bleach” forever. After all, isn’t that what grandma used or mom used? And some people still believe that it is the only thing that will disinfect. So it burns your skin, your eyes, your nose, and can kill you if you happen to mix it with another cleaner, but, gee whiz, habits are hard to change.

I am here to tell you, you need to start changing your habits. Your children are ADD, and you may well be too, people are dying of cancer and wonder why, you can’t lose weight because you have so many chemical calories in your system, your system is shutting down. Everything you eat, you drink, you breathe, is filtered by the bodies organs; think, LIVER!!!

One page can not begin to educate one on the hazardous chemicals found in and around us. You are welcome to contact me about any specific concerns you have.

I would say this is just my opinion, but if you are aware at all, you know it is not just MY opinion. Have you looked at Mother Nature lately? Do you think she is as happy as she used to be before so many companies started putting so many toxins into the environment?

There is a solution and you can be part of the solution or part of the problem. If you will just change from one toxic product to a safer, cleaner, personal care product, garden spray or window cleaner. A baby step at a time is what it takes. You can do it. You can make your home much more toxin free.

Click here to read about environmentally friendly products.

List of household products and the Toxins they contain from the Environmental Protection agency.


Each year, over 1 million children are accidentally poisoned in their homes. More than 250,000 of these victims are hospitalized. 3,000 children will end up in intensive care.

Thousands of children and adults are permanently disfigured through contact with chemicals in the home.

The most common poison is a household cleaner. Many of these are considered safe.

  • Sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach) - Lung and eye irritant. (Source: Washington Toxics Coalition) If mixed with ammonia or acid-based cleaners (including vinegar), releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine gas may cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems.
  • Bisphenol A (BPA) - an additive in platics - raises the risk of certain cancers, hampers fertility and could contribute to childhood behavioral problems such as hyperactivity. Bisphenol A is especially dangerous to developing children even as they are in the mother's womb.
  • Petroleum distillates (metal polishes) - Short-term exposure can cause temporary eye clouding; longer exposure can damage the nervous system, skin, kidneys, and eyes.
  • Ammonia (glass cleaner) - Eye irritant, can cause headaches and lung irritation. If mixed with chorine, releases toxic chloramine gas. Short-term exposure to chloramine gas may cause mild asthmatic symptoms or more serious respiratory problems.
  • Phenol and cresol (disinfectants) - Corrosive; can cause diarrhea, fainting, dizziness, and kidney and liver damage.
  • Nitrobenzene (furniture and floor polishes) - Can cause shallow breathing, vomiting, and death; associated with cancer and birth defects.
  • Formaldehyde (a preservative in many household products) - Suspected human carcinogen; strong irritant to eyes, throat, skin, and lungs.
  • Perchloroethylene or 1-1-1 trichloroethane solvents (Spot removers & carpet cleaners) - Can cause liver and kidney damage if ingested; perchloroethylene is an animal carcinogen and suspected human carcinogen.
  • Naphthalene or paradichlorobenzene (mothballs) - Naphthalene is a suspected human carcinogen that may damage eyes, blood, liver, kidneys, skin, and the central nervous system; paradichlorobenzene can harm the central nervous system, liver, and kidneys.
  • Hydrochloric acid or sodium acid sulfate (toilet bowl cleaners) - Either can burn the skin or cause vomiting diarrhea and stomach burns if swallowed; also can cause blindness if inadvertently splashed in the eyes.
  • Formaldehyde, phenol, and pentachlorophenol (spray starch) - Any aerosolized particle, including cornstarch, may irritate the lungs.
  • Fluoride, Sodium Fluoride, hexafluorosilicic acid - Used in water fluoridation. Has been linked to brain damage, bone damage, thyroid problems and some cancer.

Source unless noted: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Common household toxins and the products they're found in:


Short Term Health Risk

Long Term Health Risk

All Purpose Cleaner

Strong lung irritant. Can cause mild to moderate damage to eyes

Contains ammonia, 2-butoxy ethanol and phenol. Linked to cancer, kidney and liver damage, chronic lung irritation,

Automatic dishwashing soap

Skin Irritant. Can burn throat. May contain bleach. Vapors can cause headaches

Contain ethyl alcohol, bleach, heavy fragrances. Vapors can cause central nervous system depression, nausea, lung irritation and perhaps coma and death.

Basin Tub & Tile Cleaner

Some flammable, contain acids. Can burn skin, cause corneal damage. Vapors cause respiratory irritations.

Contains 2-butoxy ethanol, ammonia,. Linked to tumors, central nervous system disorders, liver damage, kidney damage, and reproductive disorders.

Carpet Deodorizer (powdered)

Contact with skin cause mild irritation. Can cause abrasive eye damage. Dust irritates lungs and aggravates asthma symptoms.

Sodium aluminosilicate, suspected human carcinogen. Dust can cause lung irritation, asthma-like symptoms, and headaches.

Bleach liquid or powdered

Causes severe eye injuries. Liquid can damage mouth, throat, and stomach Vapors irritate nose throat and lungs, Powdered can produce asthma-like symptoms. Mixed with ammonia produces deadly fumes.

Vapors shown to interfere with brain function, aggravate heart conditions and asthma/ affect reproductive system. Long term exposure to dust can cause sensitivities, chronic lung irritation, asthma like symptoms

Carpet Shampoo

Can cause moderate to severe burns to eyes and skin. Vapors can irritate nose, throat and lungs.

Contains 2-butoy ethanol, perchloroethylene, formaldehyde. Long term harms include cancer, liver damage, kidney damage, bone marrow damage, central nervous system disorders


Second only to cleaning products as poisoner of children. Not regulated like cleaners and have no warning labels

Many contain formaldehyde as preservative. Most are untested and unregulated. Use extreme caution

Dishwashing Liquid

Possible skin irritant. My cause swelling, tearing of eyes. Vapors can cause labored coughing, breathing and in severe cases, death.

Contains ethanol, glycol ethers, formaldehyde, ammonia. Product with bleach can produce toxic fumes. Repeated exposure can cause harm to central nervous system.

Disinfectant Cleaner

Aerosols contain flammable propellants. Can burn skin and cause permanent corneal damage. Fumes strongly irritate nose, throat, lungs

Phenol, 2-butoxy ethanol, formaldehyde, ammonia. Mixed with bleach produces toxic fumes.. Can cause asthma-like symptoms, harms central nervous system.

Fabric softeners

Possible skin irritant. Vapors cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, labored breathing, sever cases, death. Aggravates asthma symptoms.

Formaldehyde, artificial fragrances, chemicals designed to cling to clothing, causing exposure to harmful ingredients all day long.

Softener sheets

Skin & eye irritant. Vapors same as liquid softeners

Prolonged exposure to chemicals causes headaches, central nervous system depression, and nausea. Can cause nose and throat irritation and labored breathing.

Floor Cleaner

Contains corrosive acids, can cause moderate burns and irritations to skin and eye, burn mouth and throat, cause blindness

Petroleum distillates, ammonia. Linked to cancer, central nervous system disorders, tumors, kidney damage, liver damage. Fumes can product asthma-like symptoms

Laundry Detergent Liquid or Powdered

Strong eye irritant, skin irritant. Vapors cause coughing, labored breathing could in severe case death

Ethanol, triethylene glycol, sodium silicate, sodium carbonate, bleach. Fumes &/or dust can cause chronic lung irritation, central nervous system depression, etc.

Oven cleaner

Lye/ highly corrosive. Burns skin, mouth, throat, stomach, permanent blindness

Contains lye, ammonia. Fumes have damaged lungs, reproductive systems. Can cause brain damage, kidney damage& reproductive disorders.

Scouring Powder with bleach

Moderate irritation to skin, burn mouth, throat. Permanent eye damage. When wet/ irritating fumes

Contains bleach, quartz silicate. Inhalation of quartz silicate known to cause cancer. When wet, released chlorine gas, very toxic

Window Cleaner

Can cause moderate irritation, damage to eyes. Fumes can be irritating to lungs. Irritate skin

Contains ammonia and 2-butoxy ethanol. Linked to reproductive disorder, kidney, liver, bone marrow damage & tumors.

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